The Organization


“A better tomorrow for all by striving for harmony amongst environment and people by promoting integrated solutions to conservation-oriented development by 2050”


By 2035
Goal 1: "Effective and Efficient Institution Building for addressing Conservation Concerns Globally with an emphasis on the Indian Sub- Continent
Goal 2: Forest, Wildlife and Environmental Managers as technocrats making optimum use of the available technology for immediate and long-term measures for conservation
Goal-3: Strive to achieve scientific and technical excellence in field of Conservation of Forests, Wildlife, Environment and Allied Resources in general.
Goal -4: Attempt to Develop Institutionalised mechanisms for effectiveness and efficiency in ‘ Evidence Based Conservation'

Our Main Objectives

1. To protect and conserve the wildlife in India and in other part of world by bringing awareness amongst the people by holding programmes, conferences, seminars for better coexistence with humans.

2. To provide legal, social, environmental and any and all sort of consultation for protection, conservation, awareness and well-being of wildlife in India.

3. To provide schemes for Animal Life Insurance, Animal Health Care and for the purpose run educational institutions, schools, colleges, hospitals. ‘

Our Sub- Objectives

i. To achieve ‘Technology based Orientation’ and reinforcement of planning, management and policy initiatives for Conservation,

ii. To evolve and develop an institutionalised process and a mechanism for ‘Capacity and Competency Building’ in the field of Conservation.

iii. To provide technological, scientific, as well as managerial assistance to organisations and also hiring services of persons for providing training so as to achieve objectives of the company/ organisation.

iv. To generate awareness pertaining to conservation of forests, wildlife, environment and allied resources and conduct programs pertaining to ‘Education for Sustainable Development’

v. To undertake all the activities including research, survey, investigations pertaining to forest, wildlife, environment and allied resources conservation.

vi. To raise capital from the Government of India, State Government, semi-Government Authorities, Local Statuary Bodies, institutions through capital grants, and contributions from tenant units and associations for conservation of forest, wildlife, environment and allied resources conservation.

vii. To try and achieve all the objectives and conduct activities incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the main objectives of the organisation as stated in the MOA.

Our Organisation

Wildlife and We Protection Foundation was registered under The Companies Act 1956, section 25 as NGO on Date 27th May 2008. Our Approach has been Ecological Restoration, Institutions in Local Self – governance, Conservation and Livelihoods and Efforts at Landscape Level

Our Specialised Services

Conservation Oriented Development Services

  • Spatial Digital Planning and Management Support Systems for Protected Areas, Managed Forests, Wildlife Corridors and District and Other Specialised Planning Agencies
  • Development of Interpretation Centres, Nature Trails and Environmental Awareness Material and Wetlands Centres.
  • Conducting Specialised Environmental Studies
  • Ecosystem Assessments (Local, Regional, State and National)
  • Conducting Environment Impact Assessment Studies
  • Facilitation and Consultation related to Government Environmental Clearance for Developmental Projects based on sound scientific footing of ‘ Conservation Oriented Development.
  • Hardware and Software Planning for Sustainable Ecotourism/ Rural Tourism and Tourism in general
  • Promotion of ‘Green Buildings’ through Low Cost Interventions.
  • Spatial Digital Planning and Management Support Systems for Disaster Mitigation and Emergency Management.
  • Facilitation in Implementation of Forest Rights Act
  • Capacity Building Programs in Applications of Modern Tools and Technology in Resource Management and ‘Conservation Oriented Infrastructural Development, Wildlife Crime Prevention, Wildlife Health, Wildlife Forensics, Wildlife Rescue Operations, Field Based Studies.
  • Drafting of ‘Conservation Plans’ and Technical Inputs in Working Plans
  • Conduction of Floral and Faunal Surveys
  • Research in Environmental Issues, Natural Resource Management and Social Geography
  • Advice in Wild Animal Human Conflict and Rescue Operations
  • Capacity of Corporate Sector in Environmental Issues, CSR Investments, Environment Impact Assessment and Sustainability in Business (Collaboration University of Wales, Bangor, UK)

Our Domain of Activities related to Rural Integrated Planning

  • Evolving, Planning, Developing and testing Models for Integrated Development with site specific perspective.
  • Rural Integrated “Conservation- Oriented-Developmental Planning, development of Implementation Strategy and Monitoring Protocols.
  • Aiming at Dependency-Reduction of Communities crucial for conservation of natural resources through the Public Private Community Partnerships(PPCP)

Planning, Development, Management, Implementation and Monitoring of CSR

  • Conservation Oriented Planning in Education Sector- Education for Sustainable Development to promote Sustainable Living- An Initiative being Planned with the experts and consultants from Sweden.
  • Technical Support in Infrastructural Planning and Location Based Services for Health and Infrastructural Development through development of Digital Planning and Management Support System.
  • Capacity and Competency Building Programs for Planners, Managers, Implementer and Monitoring Agencies dealing in Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Capacity and Competency Building for Planning and Implementation Livelihood programs and their up-scaling to ensure Conservation Oriented Development.
  • Providing Integrated Solutions for Conservation Oriented Development in various sectors, themes and disciplines of Environmental Conservation vis-à-vis Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Promotion and Facilitation of Public Private Community Partnerships

(An Environmental Interpretation Center has being developed in Silvassa, DNH as a CSR Project with funding from Balmer and Lawrie)

Our Capacity Building Programs for Forest Department

  • Frontline Staff- Continuous Participatory Capacity Building Program Course (PPT)- Four One Week Courses over Two Years with a One Week Course every six months
  • Course on Applications of Modern Tools and Technology in Natural Resource Planning, Management and Monitoring.( Three Days)
  • One Day Crash Course for Middle Level Executives in Applications of Forensic Sciences in Wildlife Management
  • One Day Course of Practical Aspects of Implementation of Environmental Laws.
  • Two Days Capsule Course in Non-Timber Forest Produce Identification, Natural and Artificial Propagation, Maintenance, Value Addition and Development of Forward and Backward Linkages.
  • Five Week Course in Forest and Wildlife Management and allied issues and spaced out with intervening six months gap in which ‘On-the-Job(OJT) Assignments’ are supposed to be allocated to Frontline Staff/participants of the course.